I rock, I rock, I rock

Rockin’ Girl Blogger

I am so tickled pink, I was nominated by MLBAH as a Rockin’ Girl Blogger. I do not know where/how the award came about but I have been nominated. The deal is that I have to now nominate 5 others that I think rock. This is quite hard being that I think several bloggers that I read rock but for today, I am going to choose 5 and please charge it to my head and not my heart. 🙂

1. Redheaded Daughter

2. 5 Kids and A Dog

3. Such Treasures

4. From the Narrows

5. On to Better Things

If you are led, please feel free to copy/paste the award and nominate 5 others or just relish in the fact that I think you ROCK!!!!

4 thoughts on “I rock, I rock, I rock”

  1. Well, thanks! How sweet of you! I think you rock, too! Love, Wardeh @ Such Treasures

    You are quite welcome, and please continue to rock on!! 🙂

  2. AAAA. What an awesome thing to come back to after vacation! You have been SUCH a busy blogger. Great read, all of it!

    Glad that you are back and that you are adjusting. I look forward to your rockin’ posts. 🙂

  3. How very sweet of you. Thank you!

    You are so welcome, continue to rock and make sure Max rocks too. 🙂

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